Q: How do I break into the entertainment industry?
A: "We don't believe in "breaking in." We deliver the 3 S's you need - Secrets + Sources + Strategies."
Q: How do I advance my entertainment career?
A: "All you have to do is create a simple career strategy. Do your research online. Use our Database to find the contacts you need. Call and email 4 new people a day. In 5 days you will have 20 new career leads."
"For the last 20 years, as the founder of EPP, my genius has helped thousands discover the secrets, sources and strategies for people who want to have accomplished respected careers in entertainment. In my world, we don’t break into the industry, but rather, we create a strategy...a proven 4-step action plan that can move you from novice to a well-respected accomplished industry veteran whether it’s in Fashion, Film/TV, Gaming, Music or Sports."